
Quotes From Our 2008 Alternative Break Season

Here are a few quotes from our 2008 Alternative Break Season:

What was your most enjoyable aspect of this volunteer work experience?

"Michael and Tam telling us so much about this place and their personal experiences because without that background, the restoration is not as meaningful. Even on the river trip, it wasn't just a river trip but a learning experience, gaining more background on the area." - Alaina, AB Participant from Montana

"The leaders, Tam and Michael, really made the experience great. They were enthusiastic, energetic and very knowledgeable about the work they (and we) were doing." - Nicholas, AB Participant from Charleston

"Working with Tam was by far, my favorite because throughout each project, she kept on teaching about the various formations, plants and history of the area. I also enjoyed the feeling of accomplishment while I gazed over the river bank that we restored." - Aspen, AB Participant from University of North Carolina